We have been experiencing life during this Easter Season…and Spring! There has been growth in Main Street Community Garden – and more than the very happy weeds that are enjoying the rich compost in the beds. There are two more people who have joined our group of gardeners…and a trellis is going up between two of the plots. It is great to see the plants growing in their very special growing space.
Because of the weeds that have taken over most of the plots, some very determined attention was required to get the plots ready. We reached out to Feed My Sheep and had two of the greatest helpers come and help clean the plot – which required several hours of demanding work for each plot that was changed. Here are the two who “made it all happen” for our new growers: Larenda and Tony “T”. It was a great experience getting to work with them!
Speaking of Feed My Sheep, our Alice Lindgren DOK collected hygiene items for the women who congregate at Feed My Sheep in their own area: “The Well”. This is a place that they gather, take advantage of shower facilities, have Bible Studies, have regular haircuts, make jams, and get interview coaching as they want. “The Well” is their special place to get out of the heat or find warmth from the frigidness of winter.
The items were delivered and met with the delight of the Ladies at “The Well”. With these, they will have their “own” items to use for laundry and refreshment. (Space is allocated for them at “The Well”.
It is heartwarming to see these relationships develop because of what we do in our community (Including the monthly Hot Meal preparation, and sack lunch preparation and delivery.
-Deacon Becky Sparks
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