Who We Are

We believe:
The Holy Scriptures are the revealed word of God, which inspired the human authors of the Scripture, and which is interpreted by the Church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
· The 
Nicene Creed is the basic statement of our belief about God.
· The two great sacraments given by Christ to the Church are Baptism and the Holy Eucharist.
· We use the 
Book of Common Prayer, which outlines the teachings and beliefs of the Episcopal Church.

We respect one another despite our differences:
The Episcopal Church follows the via media (a Latin term meaning, “the middle way”) in our teaching, discussions and relationships because we believe that, whether we agree on a particular topic, we all are beloved by God and can be considerate of another viewpoint. Everyone is welcome in the Episcopal Church.

We have bishops:
Bishops oversee the Church in geographic areas, known as dioceses. In the worldwide Anglican Communion, the Archbishop of Canterbury occupies a special position by virtue of history and tradition, but the bishop does not hold a governing position.

We are part of a larger network of churches:
Christ Church is a congregation in the Diocese of Texas, one of six dioceses within Texas. The Diocese of Texas encompasses nearly 50,000 square miles in Central and East Texas with 100 congregations and nearly 80,000 members. The Diocese of Texas is diverse, inclusive and welcoming people from all backgrounds. Churches within the Diocese conduct services in many different languages in towering cathedrals, humble buildings, shopping malls, under bridges and in parks.

We love to worship:
The Episcopal Church celebrates diversity of people and worship styles, yet all worship follows the form set out in the Book of Common Prayer. Worshippers come here because of our engaging, beautiful worship services, based on centuries-old Christian customs and Anglican tradition. Our service follows the traditional, ancient form of the Mass, including Eucharist (also known as Holy Communion). No matter your religious background, you are welcome here. We are certain you will find this a spiritual home that respects and maintains its sense of awe and wonder at the power and mystery of God.

Our Mission
Knowing Christ and making him known.

Our Vision
We strive to be:
· A loving and open family with members across Temple and Central Texas.
· A passionate community caring for one another in a warm, welcoming atmosphere.
· A fellowship of disciples seeking to grow in our relationship with Christ in a Spirit-filled church while opening our hearts to God’s presence and power.
· A congregation standing on the truth revealed in His Word

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