Join Us

We hold periodic Episcopal 101 classes that provide an overview of Christian basics and particularly what we believe as Episcopalians. Even if you are a full member of the church by “transferring your letter,” we encourage you to attend this class for the information and fellowship. After taking this class you can be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church. Contact Sally Louth, our Parish Life Director, for more info.

You do not have to be confirmed or received to be able to participate in most of the ministries of the church. You do not need to be a confirmed Episcopalian to help make breakfast, be part of different Bible studies, or serve in community outreach. See our ministries page for all the wonderful ways you can serve. Vestry service, lay reading, and select other ministries in the church are reserved for confirmed Episcopalians. To be a confirmed Episcopalian, you will stand before the Bishop who will confirm or receive you as an Episcopalian and as a member of the world-wide Anglican communion.



Baptism is a crucial element of the Christian life.  It is the sacramental entry into the Church and a beginning of a wonderful journey into God’s love and God’s call on your life. You don’t have to be baptized to be a member of Christ Church; however, to receive communion or be confirmed you need to be baptized first. The Episcopal Church recognizes all baptisms in Christian denominations regardless of age. If you were baptized as a baby and wish to renew your baptismal vows and commitment to the Episcopal church you can “reaffirm” your vows before the Bishop as an adult.

Transferring membership from another Episcopal Church.

If you are an Episcopalian in good standing somewhere else, you can move your letter of membership to be a full member at Christ Episcopal Church. You may contact Sally Louth in the church office to make this happen. 


The word ‘confirmation’ is used in two ways:

First, it means that you are saying “yes” to the vows to Christ and the church made for a small child by parents and godparents.  If you have been baptized as a child or baby you can, as a mature Christian make a public choice to confirm your Christianity and membership into the Episcopal Church at Christ Church.

Second, when confirmation is applied to adults outside of the Episcopal church, the focus is different. If this is your background, we will invite you to attend confirmation classes and learn about our rich history and tradition that can be traced back to the first apostles. Upon completion of this class, you will be confirmed as an Episcopalian by the Bishop. 

We are committed to walking you through the many ways that you can grow deeper in your faith and commitment to this church. Please consider coming to one of our Christ Church 101 classes to learn more about joining Christ Church and the greater Episcopal Church USA. 

To find out more about joining Christ Episcopal Church, please contact the church office.

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